Nobilis G+ND

Inactivated vaccine against Infectious Bursal Disease / Gumboro and Newcastle Disease

Product Description


This vaccine is recommended for booster vaccination in layers and breeders for protection against Newcastle Disease (ND) and for vaccination against Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) virus.


Each dose contains Gumboro virus D78 strain that induces at least 14.5 log2 units of VN and Clone 30 strain ND virus at least 50 PD50 or induces at least 4 log2 units of HI per 1/50 dose.

Dosing and Administration:

One doses. Each bird should be given 0.5 ml of vaccine via intramuscular injection in the thigh or chest muscle or subcutaneous injection at lower part of the neck.


Bottle 250 ml (500 doses) and 500 ml (1000 doses)


Store between 2 °C and 8 °C. Do not freeze.

Registration holder:

PT Intervet Indonesia

KEMENTAN RI No. I. 1502967 VTC.3

For animal use only
Not all presentations may be marketed